Simple Ways to Memorize Bible Verses

You can memorize Bible verses. I wanted to get that out of the way upfront. It may be difficult at first, but you can do it. The brain acts a lot like a muscle in that it responds to exercise by adapting and growing stronger. Although it may be difficult at first, you will see quick improvement in your ability to memorize very quickly! Here are a few of the best tips to help you out on your journey:

1. Pray first.
As with any type of Spiritual growth you need to start with a receptive heart. Spend some time in prayer before you start repenting of your sin and seeking God’s wisdom and power as you study.

2. Choose a verse to memorize that relates your life right now.
Are you going through a trial, concerned about someone else, starting a new job, getting married or starting a family? Finding a verse that is relevant to your time in life will help fuel your passion to memorize it!

3. Start small and grow.
Start with a small verse or a portion of a verse and add a word or two each day. Each day repeat what you have already learned and add the new portion. Remember the way to eat an elephant is one bite at a time.

4. Write it down.
A wonderful way to get your brain to visualize the verse you are working on is to write it down. I am a visual learner, and this helps me to see myself writing each word.

5. Read it out loud.
Many of us are auditory learners and reading the verse out loud will help trigger that portion of the brain that responds to sound to help you recall the verse.

6. Pray the verse.
Often in the Bible we see great men of God repeating memorized scriptures when the pray. Use the verse this way will help you experience the power not only of prayer but the verse you are memorizing.

7. Find a partner.
Find someone to memorize with or someone you can check in with at a certain time and share your progress. Each Sunday you can repeat the verse you memorized to each other. Take turns picking a new verse each week. Knowing that someone is expecting you to have your verse memorized by a certain time is a great motivator to stay on task.

8. Act like a kid again.
When teaching a verse to a child we often use games. Why not play a few of the games yourself? Write the verse on a piece of paper and then cut out each word, scramble them up and see how fast you can put them back in order.

9. Make it a “Pocket Verse”.
When I was first memorizing Bible verses I would write them on a piece of paper and put them in my pocket. Every time my hand touched the paper in my pocket I would repeat the verse. I still refer to these old favorites as my “Pocket Verses” when the Holy Spirit calls them to mind.

Well, those are some of my tips. What works for you?

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